Monday, October 15, 2007

How's Your News (revisited)?

I was listening to a podcast of THIS AMERICAN LIFE while running this weekend, and the show did a repeat of a feature they did on a film called HOW'S YOUR NEWS? (The website for the movie, which includes a link to this radio feature, is: ) I got a chance to see it a few years back, and thought it was great--especially the music! There's some real wisdom swirling around, here.

As a taste, here's one of the reporters talking about Texas....

Now I lived in Texas for two years, and I'd say this is pretty spot on.

These developmentally disabled reporters are folks that, in the pre-nonlinear computer editing, pre-camcorder era, had little to no access to be the SUBJECT of media output, much less the PRODUCERS of such output.....This is a nice example of what Jenkins might call the grassroots-enabled production. Check it out!

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