Some two dozen BSC students are taking off this week for the National Conference for Undergraduate Research, held this year on the campus of UW-La Crosse. Four students from the Department of Communication Studies will be presenting--when you see them, ask them what they think about cheese curds!
Here's the rundown: Shawn McGeoghegan is presenting twice, on the rhetoric of marriage and on the persistence of classic rock as a genre... Alex Mello discusses the straightedge Boston scene, including the ways it broke from the punk crowd... Shawn Mullins investigates why folks might pay for music when free downloads are so readily available... and Tim Haber extrapolates his study-abroad experience by looking at New Zealand radio regulation through the lens of cultural imperialism and globalization.
NCUR 2010: You could be there!
This opportunity sound really exciting! How did these students get involved with this? I've seen a lot of fliers around campus, and maybe even in The Comment recently, also one of my professors mentioned it but didn't go into very much detail. From what you described, it sounds slightly similiar to the UGS this spring?
Im glad to see that students from the COMM department are being recognized for their hard work!
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