Another 6 a.m. start for the Red Sox, allowing my to serenade my wife with the "1-800-54-GIANT" jingle while she showered this morning (complete with my Supremes-wannabe shimmy...don't ask). Things were pretty much sealed with a 3-run homer by Emil Brown (still available on the waiver wire, fantasy players!), so the collection of folks getting their cars serviced at the local Toyota dealership glumly watched the 9th on the beautiful wall-mounted flat-screen that we were all helping to pay for (several times over, I'm sure)....
I regret not pushing the Terry McMillan talk, which took place last night @ BSC, harder than I did for my students (a la Spike Lee). I myself hadn't read anything by her before she was announced as this semester's "Presidential Speaker," and even now I'm only 2/3rds of the way through her second novel, Disappearing Acts (1989). McMillan was not only engaging, she was riveting. She read from a work in progress (which she promises will be unrecognizable when it finally is published) that is a sequel to her best-seller Waiting to Exhale (1992). It definitely pushed me to read that next, and look for the follow-up when it arrives (in 2009?).....
Finally, I've set up a new list on the sidebar to go along with what I'm currently watching, listening to, and reading. I'm offering up links to several other blogs--both academics working in media studies, and former students of mine that have continued their blog writing. So far I only have two up: Bob Rehak is an old classmate who now teaches outside of Philadelphia, and Tim Haber is a 396 alum doing a semester abroad in New Zealand. Check them out!
I can't say that I've ever serenaded someone in the shower with an 800-number jingle. However, I've sung Piano Man to friends in the bathroom.
My personal favorite, however, was whispering "buy a whopper, get free fries" to my friend's little sister whenever she was asleep in their living room.
I regret not going to the Terry McMillan talk last week. I forgot all about it and I wasn’t doing anything important at the time. I saw all the 3 movies about her books. I’m so mad at myself for not going.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Câmera Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://camera-fotografica-digital.blogspot.com. A hug.
I'm sort of curious about the McMillan talk, did anyone ever ask her about her comments about gays? She's said some pretty wild stuff and I kind of wish that I had gone just to see if someone brought it up in the open Q&A.
By the way, the Giant Glass jingle is a good place to start but you need to work your way up to memorizing the whole Foxwoods song...
...take a chance make it happen, pop a cork, fingers snappin'...
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