Friday, July 2, 2021

This Covid moment. This aching loss.

Where do I start?

It's been over three years since I've posted on this blog. And a lot has changed.

A new U.S. administration. A national reckoning on race and racism. A global pandemic.

October 2016--Dad's Cape Cod grandson had just turned three years old,
and Grandpa was fighting the good fight.

Three years ago my parents were still in their house. My mom's cognitive abilities were slipping, but she was giving it a go. My dad... Dad was still alive.

If nobody else read these blog posts, Dad did. See my last entry from 2018, where he corrects my use of the word Sisyphusian Sisyphean? Once an English teacher...

I miss my dad so much. And I haven't done a terribly great job working through that loss. I get it.

Is that why I'm here, blogging again? Talking cure? 

There's a lot to unpack from this Covid moment, and maybe some regular dispatches here can be a part of that unpacking. Having a little more headspace bandwidth might help facilitate.

Or not. But let's try.

Between the summer and sabbatical in the fall, I'll try to more regularly post dispatches from over here. 

Let's try.

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