Monday, March 2, 2015

Kaunas chronicles: baby steps

We've been in Kaunas for a month now--the time has absolutely flown by. Now that we finally have our own apartment, it feels like something of a "reset" for the Fulbright... It was incredibly gracious of my father-in-law to help us by letting us stay w/ him in February, but it's just got to be better for everyone involved to have our own space again.

I'm teaching two classes at the moment... I'm co-teaching a Creative Nonfiction course (which is moving from print-based feature writing to a more transmedia storytelling approach), as well as an Innovations and Technologies course that's all mine. Both of those are undergrad courses, but I will be taking the 2nd half of a grad seminar on Visual Culture, bringing a production component to bear on their theoretical base.

It's at least a whole other blog post, but it's immediately striking how large the undergrad classes are--over 150 each! Here's my tease: How in the world do you facilitate the practice of writing in a lecture hall setting?!

So it's baby steps here in Kaunas--figuratively and literally. Did I mention DH is walking!!?!?!?!

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