Thursday, August 7, 2014

Alyosha's odyssey

The latest post from Transitions Online includes a piece on a traveling museum exhibition called "Private Nationalism." The exhibition is making the rounds in Central Europe this year--currently in Dresden!--but for those unable to attend, the article still paints a fascinating picture. This is particularly true for those of us with an interest in how European nationalisms play out.

A little web searching gives us even more of a chance to see what's on display. For instance, here is a link to Kristina Norman's 15-minute short called Monument. Part documentary, part Švankmajer-via-2001: A Space Odyssey, part media clip compilation, it's a brief insight into the contested symbol of the Soviet monument that was removed from Tallinn in 2007.

Note: I hope it's better to simply pick up again in medias res than have another post bewailing my lack of posting. Better to simply get on with it, no?

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