Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mixtape CD liner notes...Side B!

Still shaking off the post-finals lethargy... But with Summer I starting today, it's time to shake things up and get cracking.  And so... the "middle six" of the AL Central mixtape!

7. "Big Little Baby" by Reverend Horton Heat--A novelty track that can't help but give up the giggles itself from the opening line.  This is from a freebie sampler CD from a Bloomie record store that itself is long gone... For the record, L is well under 6-feet tall...

8. "Madavu the Man" by Aki Nawaz--Another Bloomie-era track!  I used to regularly buy the most-excellent British glossy world-music magazine Songlines to fuel my "Planetary Caravan" shows on WFHB.  Digging around for info onNawaz, I stumbled across this super BBC series w/ the late John Peel, as he travels outside London Town to see the scenes...

9. "So Beautiful or So What" by Paul Simon--The closer / title track from last year's super super disc.  Every track a winner.  Essential.

10. "Home Cooking" by Tony Allen--Mr Afrobeat himself!  More echoes of spinning global music on community radio... This is one of those songs that works on so many levels...

11. "All I Need" by Al Green--This is a record I played incessantly the summer we moved to Cape Cod.  Also essential, beginning to end.

12. "Snatch It Back and Hold It" by Junior Wells--I read about Wells in an "essential blues records" kind of book, and dutifully picked up the record on the North Shore a few years back.  Buddy Guy plays on this--I got to meet him last month briefly in Chicago at his blues club!  High five!

Next time: Side C!  Tracks 13-18 complete the cycle...

1 comment:

Tony's Thoughts said...

Buddy Guy was just on the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon playing with the Roots last week I believe. Also Tony Allen is a musician I might have to research. I knew a lot of people who are into Afro-Cuban music and used to play it. Thanks for the music. I need to start writing a blog again.