It seems I'm as vulnerable as anyone to making grandiose (and half-baked) New Year's resolutions--but I'm trading in mine for my wife Loreta's. It took me about two seconds to realize hers made waaaaay more sense.
Having worked through our discomfort w/ J-Lo, and counting down the minutes until 2010, Loreta asked me what my New Year's resolution was this year. I started to mumble something about more of everything ("everything" being book proposals and the like), but stopped short of anything definitive.
She, on the other hand, was perfectly clear: "I want more balance in my life." Absolutely right, of course. We've taken on new challenges in the past several years, and hope to take on more (and sooner rather than later)--but to take them on effectively, we both need more balance between work and play, career and home.
So if I sort out this book proposal, lead this study tour, etc., then cool. But not at the expense of other parts of my life which I can neglect, if I'm not careful.
Naïve? Maybe. (I didn't get the nickname "Skippy" from the Queen for no reason.) But it's a worthy goal--wish me luck. And I wish you a happy, healthy, and balanced new year to you and yours!
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