Monday, January 28, 2008

Trolling the "used" bins @ Newbury Comics

The thrill of the $3.99 used CD continues....that's about as much as I can budget myself with a clean conscience to mine the depths of my '80s music cravings. This week? Peter Murphy's first solo effort after the Bauhaus meltdown, Should the World Fail to Fall Apart (1986). Somewhere I have a D90 cassette dub of this that I made off vinyl from the Minneapolis Public Library...."Canvas Beauty" is going to show up on some compilation discs this year, I kid you not.

Here's another guy named Peter Murphy who (spoiler alert!) flubs his chance at glory. Troll YouTube for the other one.

Inbox Reduction Resolution 2008
YEAR TO DATE: Yahoo: -20% BSC: +6%

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