Sunday, June 17, 2007

Got podcasts?

Something I've started to use this spring has been podcasts....once I realized how painfully easy it was, I was in....The biggest problem is that it's like subscribing to more magazines and / or newspapers than I can keep up with...Every now and then you just have to write off good intentions and hit the DELETE button liberally.

So I'm curious to know: do you all podcast? Audio or video? Which do you particularly like, and why?

Because THREE (3) is a nice round number, here are three of my faves, to get the ball rolling.....

1) DIGITAL PLANET (BBC [British Broadcasting Service])--When I lived in Europe, I had a shortwave radio receiver, and fell in love w/ listening to the BBC. Now, of course, you can access all their various streams on the Web (a good thing, seeing as they've stopped shortwave service to North America), yet having to coordinate times to catch particular shows can be tricky. Podcasting has become my BBC radio TIVO....although not everything I'd like is available (o why won't they podcast EUROPE TODAY?) Still, I do get several streams, including a news digest and a commentary magazine. DIGITAL PLANET is notable for its weekly foray into new ways technology is being applied and implemented....I remember J wondering how much further cell phones could be pushed last week in class--and I think we all wonder that about any number of technologies...DIGITAL PLANET is something of a mind-stretcher that has opened me up to a wider range of technological potentials (and pitfalls too, but mostly maintains a positive spin on tech world).....more info at , or search in iTunes.

2) THIS AMERICAN LIFE (NPR [National Public Radio] / WBEZ-CHICAGO)--Part of the Sunday Family Ritual in Bloomie was reading the Sunday papers in bed, listening to WEEKEND EDITION until 10, then THIS AMERICAN LIFE for the next hour after that. Ira Glass is brilliant--we got to see him on a tour preparing to try to move the show to Showtime as well....But as a radio guy, he's tops. The show excels at throwing you curveballs, truly "making the familiar strange." We're going to use a comic book he put together on how to do a radio show for my COMM 399 "Radio Studies" course this fall....more info at , or search in iTunes.

3) THE CURRENT SONG OF THE DAY (MPR [Minnesota Public Radio])--They blip me a new song for free every weekday that their hipster station is breaking. Invariably songs are piling up, but when I dig through I find some real jems amidst the so-so tracks....Also like the idea of them promoting local (MN) artist about once a week....(Wouldn't you like to get blipped new local Mass Music weekly? Being a recent transplant, I know I would, anyway....Dropkick who?).....Best track since subscribing: The Stooges' "My Idea of Fun"! More at or on iTunes....

Come to think of it, all these podcasts originate from non-commercial public radio. That fits my listening pattern otherwise these past few years.....

So how about it? What kinds of podcasts do you all enjoy?


Double R said...

So podcasts sound great and BSC does it right??? I think they have something like that for certain classes hoever there is just one eeeetttsssyyyy bbbiiitttsssyyy teeny tiny little problem... I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO DO IT!!! It would be just dandy if someone actually showed me how to do this thing called pad cast... however I am lost now in the ipod music/video/photo only restricted universe.

Mike Hamilton said...

I thought about trying to get into listening to podcasts at one point, but I realized I really dont have the time or the will power to want to. I sync my ipod about once every 4 months to update my music, and that is about it. I have not found any podcasts that really interest me enough to get in to it.

sahm, phd said...

I'm a big This American Life podcast fan...but, you know, it's hard to do podcasts when *someone* in the house wants all-Dora-all-the-time...
